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    Foods that increase the Immunity Levels in the body

    7 Sep 2020

    Protein rich foods : Legumes, pulses, nuts, fish, eggs and meat

    Foods rich in Vitamin A : Cheese, milk, eggs, organ meats, egg yolks

    Food rich in Vitamin C : Citrus fruits like lime, sweet limes and oranges, guavas, gooseberries, black and red currants, cherries, peaches, apples, strawberries, kiwi fruit, raspberries, mulberries, pineapple, mango, tomatoes, green leafy vegetables, broccoli, cauliflower, beetroot and sprouted gram. These foods increase the levels of immunoglobulin - the blood proteins that act as a disease fighting antibodies.

    Foods rich in vitamin D - Oily Fish

    Food rich in Vitamin E - Vegetables oils, nuts, olives, Olive oil, avocados, whole grain cereals, wheat germ, milk, eggs, sprouts, soya beans, tomatoes, asparagus and green leafy vegetables.

    Fish and vegetable Oils are also rich in essential fatty acids, which are vital for the efficient functioning of the immune system.

    Foods rich in beta carotene - All orange, yellow, red and green colored Vegetables and fruits such as carrot, papaya, mango, green leafy vegetables, oranges, etc.

    Foods rich in selenium - Wheat, pulses and organ meats like liver and kidney.

    Foods rich in Zinc - Pumpkin seeds, lean beef, oysters, eggs, poultry, dairy products, peanuts, sunflower seeds, citrus fruits, avocados, pears, lentils and whole grains.

    Take a multi - vitamin tablet, which improves immune responses.

    Take foods like garlic, onion, which have antiviral and antibacterial properties. Garlic and Onion act as natural decongestants. Eat either raw in salads or use in cooking.

    If you have a headache due to your cold, place a few tulsi leaves, cloves and ginger in your tea.

    Avoid excess alcohol and coffee because they prevent the absorption of Vitamins and minerals, which are vital for thr immune system.

    So munch away your way happily through a range of foodstuffs that will get your body fighting fit....and then head out for a walk the next time you see dark clouds gathering.....After all, who's afraid of a little rain?

    Apples - they are a rich source of Biotin, aid digestion and remove toxins from the body.

    Beet - Are excellent intestinal cleansers, eliminate kidney stones, detoxify the liver and gall bladder.

    Bananas - promote sleep and are mild laxatives. They have anti- fungal properties, lower cholesterol and remove toxins.

    Cucumbers - have laxative properties, dissolve uric acid that causes kidney and bladder stones. They lower blood pressure, work as astringents and cooling and brightening agents for the skin.

    Celery - has properties that fight cancer. It lowers blood pressure, reduces joint pain and prevents calcium deposits.

    Corn - Has properties that fight Cancer. It is food for the brain and corrects hair loss.

    Carrots - Are detoxifiers, good for the hair and skin, regulate kidney function and kill bacteria.

    Cherries - release headaches and migraines.

    Dates - Are useful in Anaemia, respiratory and lung disorders.

    Barley - Cures ulcers, lowers cholesterol, helps in weight loss and is a hair tonic.

    Almonds - Are a good source of protein, have cancer fighting properties and help lower cholesterol.

    Papayas - Aid digestion, control gas formations and act as a detoxifier.

    Parsley - is a cleansing tonic, a breath freshener and helps clear kidney stones.

    Sesame seeds- strengthen the heart and are a rich source of calcium. They also have anti- oxidant properties and help lower cholesterol.

    Figs - are a rich source of Calcium and have laxative properties.

    Yoghurt - is soothing for the intestinal tract, is a skin cleanser and has nourishing enzymes for the hair.

    Garlic- has anti- bacterial and antiseptic properties. It is useful in respiratory ailments and lowers cholesterol.

    Cashew nuts - improve vitality and are good for teeth, gums and hair.

    Peas - Are rich in protein and help regulate stomach and liver disorders.

    Mango - Reduces acidity and helps on weight gain.

    Grapefruit - is helpful in joint pains, is blood cleanser and has anti - allergic properties.

    Lemons - work as astringents, bleaching agents and have properties that figjt cancer. They also help in reducing gallstones.

    Okra - is soothing for the intestinal tract and relieves accumulation of gas.

    Lettuce - Strengthens bones and hair.

    Peaches - are diuretic and laxative in nature.

    Mushrooms - Lower cholesterol and have properties that fight cancer.

    Red Pepper - Normalises blood pressure and improves circulation.

    Yam - is ideal for PMS and also works as a diuretic.

    Pears - are diuretic, detoxifiers and are good for the thyroid gland.

    Cabbage - Regulates improper digestion, fights cancer and corrects skin disorders.

    Potatoes - have antiseptic properties and are good for treating burn scars and pigmentation. They also aid in muscle building.

    Oranges - are an instant source of energy, work a s cleansers and improve the skin.

    Kidney beans - Lower cholesterol and are helpful in diabetes.

    Brown Rice - is a high energy food, settles disturbed nerves is good for the hair and skin.

    Oats - are gentle bowel cleansers, are good for controlling acne and hair loss and have anti - oxidant properties.

    Spinach - has properties that fight cancer, normalises blood pressure, reduces anaemia and is an immunity booster.

    Kiwi Fruit - Helps in digestion.

    Soya Beans - fights cancer and lowers cholesterol.

    Walnuts -are brain food and improve metabolism.

    Coconut - Regulates the functions of the thyroid gland, and coconut extracts nourish haor and skin.

    Sweet potato - reduces ulcers and is a detoxifier.

    Radish - Clears sinuses and sore throats.

    Strawberries - Make the blood alkaline and are useful in relieving joint pains. They are also blood purifiers.

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